The transformations in the understanding of temporality in postmodern literature

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Lovorka Gruić Grmuša


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Gruić Grmuša, Lovorka. 2013. “The Transformations in the Understanding of Temporality in Postmodern Literature”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 9 (1).
Author Biography

Lovorka Gruić Grmuša

Lovorka Gruić Grmuša is currently assistant professor at the English Department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, Croatia, where she teaches American Literature, Postmodern Literature, Science Fiction, Media Culture and The Interpretation of the Novel. She has published numerous articles and book chapters, edited Space and Time in Language and Literature (with M. Brala, 2009), and is finishing a monograph entitled Kurt Vonnegut’s Legacy. Her fields of interest are contemporary literature, postmodern theory and all aspects of temporality (including history, physics, philosophy), as well as digital culture, cinematography and intermediation. Email: