The transmediality of the self : desubstantiation, fantasy and terror in and through Adrienne Kennedy's characters

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Attila Kiss


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How to Cite
Kiss, Attila. 2012. “The Transmediality of the Self : Desubstantiation, Fantasy and Terror in and through Adrienne Kennedy’s Characters”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 8 (1).
Author Biography

Attila Kiss

Dr. Attila Kiss is an Associate Professor and Chair of the English Department at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged, Hungary. He is the co-founder of REGCIS, the Research Group for Cultural Iconology and Semiography. He specializes in the poststructuralist theories of the subject and the multimediality of cultural representations. His publications include Contrasting the Early Modern and Postmodern Semiotics of Telling Stories (Mellen, 2011) and Double Anatomy in Early Modern and Postmodern Drama (Szeged: JATEPress, 2010). Email: