Changing media of enchantment : tracking the transition from verbal to visual nonsense in Tim Burton's cinematic adaptation of Alice in Wonderland

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Anna Kérchy


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How to Cite
Kérchy, Anna. 2012. “Changing Media of Enchantment : Tracking the Transition from Verbal to Visual Nonsense in Tim Burton’s Cinematic Adaptation of Alice in Wonderland”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 8 (1).
Author Biography

Anna Kérchy

Anna Kérchy is a Senior Assistant Professor at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged. She holds a PhD in Literature from the University of Szeged and a DEA in Semiology from Université Paris VII. She is the author of Body-Texts in Angela Carter. Writing from a Corporeagraphic Point of View (Edwin Mellen, 2008), editor of Postmodern Reinterpretations of Fairy Tales: How Applying New Methods Generates New Meanings (Edwin Mellen, 2011), co-editor of What Constitutes the Fantastic? (JATEPress, 2010), and of Making Monstrosity. The Cultural History of Continental European Enfreakment (Cambridge Scholars, forthcoming). Her research interests include gender studies, body studies, corporeal narratology, intermedial cultural representations, Victorian and postmodern fantastic imagination, women’s writing/art, and children’s literature. Her current book project focuses on the unspeakable and unimaginable in Lewis Carroll’s Alice-tales and their postmodern adaptations. E-mail: