Notes on the origin of the Commentum Cornuti in Persium

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László Takács


The Commentum Cornuti, which contains the explanations for the satires of Persius, was compiled sometime during the early Middle Ages by the unknown editor. Based on the features of the content, it is obvious that this collection of scholia is largely of ancient origin, however, since no ancient Persius commentary has survived, it is uncertain what works the compiler relied on. Through a more detailed analysis of some scholia, the study tries to prove that the medieval compiler could have had the text of at least three (not independent of each other) commentaries, and that the Commentum Cornuti, which contains many repetitions and parallels, was created through the merging of these commentaries.

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How to Cite
Takács, L. (2022). Notes on the origin of the Commentum Cornuti in Persium. Antikvitás & Reneszánsz, (Ünnepi különszám), 67–75.
Európai irodalom, filológia, művészettörténet az ókortól a felvilágosodásig

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