Iskolakultúra Az Iskolakultúra főként az oktatással-neveléssel, az iskola belső világával, illetve az oktatási rendszer jellemzőivel kapcsolatos írásokat közöl. hu-HU (Fejes József Balázs és Somogyvári Lajos) (Fejes József Balázs és Somogyvári Lajos) Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 OJS 60 Basics of Climate Change Education from a Pedagogical Point of View <p>Based on an international literature review, our study considers the pedagogical foundations of climate change education, with the aim to support the work of educational professionals dealing with this topic. After a brief description of the phenomenon and its effects, our paper discusses the need for climate change education. After that, it presents the specifics of the topic. One such feature is its interdisciplinary nature; the other is that it is related to the values of the individual. It is not only based on scientific foundations, but the individual’s approach to the problem also plays a significant role. Our paper also describes a holistic model of climate change education, the Bicycle model. This model was created to support the work of teachers, and it contains a description of topics needed to be taught to fully present the phenomenon of climate change. This is followed by possible strategies for teaching the subject. After describing the teacher’s role in teaching climate change, we study the unique role of climate change education in the case of disadvantaged groups. Possible reasons for the vulnerability of this target group to climate change include their low level of preparation, limited resources, lack of interest, and difficulties in dealing with climate anxiety.</p> Valéria Kelemen (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Iskolakultúra Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Is digital education sustainable in the shadow of climate change? <p>Digital education is now a fundamental part of our daily lives, with the acquisition of information, communication and collaboration with peers, educators, and content creation being predominantly mediated through digital technological tools during the teaching and learning process. Recently, the focus has shifted towards the impact of artificial intelligence on education. However, there is little attention to the environmental impact of such accelerated technological development and how such a degree of digital transformation in education can be sustainable. In this study, I review the environmental impacts of digital tools and services used in education and present ways to mitigate these impacts, aiming to encourage users to take steps towards the sustainability of digital education. The development of digital competence and education plays a key role in the sustainable digital transformation in education, and it is crucial to emphasize the importance of fostering conscious and environmentally friendly technology use in education.</p> Attila Rausch (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Iskolakultúra Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Examining sustainable fashion decisions among high school students <p>Sustainability has become a relevant and meaningful issue in recent years. The present study focuses on one segment of sustainability: sustainable fashion, which is a major issue affecting the everyday lives of secondary school students. Fashion industry is defined by criteria such as: short product life cycle, high market volatility and high impulse buying (Myint and Lee, 2017; Radtke et al., 2022; Strähle, 2017). The aim of my research is to investigate the fashion habits, consumer behaviour and decision-making mechanisms related to sustainable fashion of the Z generation, including Hungarian secondary school students in Szeklerland. During my research I am seeking answers to questions regarding the criteria students apply when making their decisions, as well as to discovering which purchasing cluster groups can be identified. The target group of my quantitative research are secondary school students in Szeklerland. I used probability sampling, and within that systematic sampling. The research tool was a self-designed questionnaire. Its questions are divided into three main categories: socio-demographic data of students; the concept of sustainability and sustainable fashion, willingness to buy; and students’ purchasing criteria, frequency, amount, location, etc. Price, quality and design of the product are the main criteria for the purchasing decision. The main shopping venues are online, multi-brand websites. As a result of the cluster analysis, we were able to isolate four distinct groups of students, who were labelled as practical shoppers, discount hunters, brand-loyal individuals and sustainability-oriented shoppers.</p> Imre Tódor (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Iskolakultúra Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 STEM students’ views on sustainability <p>Most research on STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) higher education focuses on high attrition rates and the underrepresentation of women in these disciplines, but only a few deal with the values of STEM students. The main goal of this research was to explore STEM students’ values about ecological sustainability and materialism because the values of future professionals responsible for creating and applying technological innovation can have a global and long-term impact. During our research, we analysed a database consisting of data of the students of 17 Hungarian universities with a sample size of 7174. In our analysis, we focused on the differences in students’ values based on their field of study and gender. According to our results, the sustainability and materialistic values of students are mainly connected to the prestige of their studies, and the attitudes toward sustainability of students studying engineering, technology, economics, and law were shown to be the least favourable. Results on gender differences however paint a more nuanced picture: even though in most fields women tend to value sustainability as more important than men and materialistic values as less important, this difference is more pronounced in STEM fields. Based on our results, exploring how higher education socialization and reflexion on sustainability in the curriculum in different fields can explain the differences observed in students’ values can be an important and fruitful research topic.</p> Emese Alter, Ferenc Mónus (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Iskolakultúra Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 “We are integrating from the 3rd of September!” <p>The focus of this study is the operation of schools as a network. School is the first social institution where children meet others, where they can have the opportunity to form those heterogeneous weak bonds that can help disadvantaged and gypsy youth to have a more successful life path in the long term. In my research, I looked for answers to three research questions: 1. To what extent do the opinions of teachers and class teachers on their educational goals and educational methods influence the development of integrated education and a cohesive class community in everyday life? 2. Does the place of disadvantaged and gypsy children in the class and their relationship with their peers show a separate grouping or discrimination within the class? 3. Are hidden segregation mechanisms present in the classes in addition to integration? By combining and using the strengths of qualitative (interview) and quantitative (network analysis) research methods, this study investigates the situation and peer relationships of disadvantaged and gypsy youth from the point of view of social integration. With a deep analysis of two classes of a vocational high school and a vocational secondary school in a large city, a comparative study indicated that in addition to integration, there are still tasks to be solved in a dedicated secondary school, and that the teachers have a great role in the formation of a cohesive class community, and that the hidden network of the community is formed by the basic network of connections. Analysis methods can be easily, quickly and more accurately compared to sociometry.</p> Evelin Janó (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Iskolakultúra Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 What are university students grateful for to their lecturers? <p>A paradigm shift can be observed in higher education institutions worldwide, including Hungary: besides the frontal, instructor-mediated delivery of learning materials, there is increasing emphasis on the application of student- or learning-centred methods, the improvement of the learning atmosphere, and the instructor-student relationship. These changes affect the whole ecosystem: higher student satisfaction can enhance the reputation of educational institutions and improve their ranking and attractiveness. Motivation generated higher student satisfaction stimulates students’ personal development and increases their success both in their studies and in the labour market. Additionally, the institutional infrastructure and administrative support, the interactions with the teaching staff play a key role in achieving student well-being. There is no consensus on a definition of teaching excellence, but besides analysing students’ expectations of teachers, the recognition of their gratitude can also highlight some important factors. Students’ gratitude captures the elements of the teaching work that are particularly valuable to students and points to the teaching practices and behaviours that students want to reinforce in their teachers. In our paper, we searched for foci and patterns in student gratitude messages collected in the context of the Thank-a-Teacher (TAT) programme at the Budapest Business University and investigated their occurrence and combinations. University students expressed gratitude primarily for the teaching qualities that supported their learning, secondarily for the human qualities, and highlighted the positive formative impact on their professional and personal lives in the long term, as well as the impressive expertise of their professors.</p> Ildikó Dósa, Katalin Dósa, Réka Szobonya, Beatrix Fűzi (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Iskolakultúra Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Advantages and disadvantages of the musical profession form directors’ point of view <p>In our country little attention has so far been paid to the secondary level of artistic education, even though its professional quality determines the quality of artistic higher education and the quality of future artists and music teachers. Secondary education is not only a transition between primary and tertiary education, but also a predictive force for the future of music education. In our research we compiled a questionnaire for the directors of the high schools specialised in music (n=17). In addition to objective data, directors answered open ended question which reflect their opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of the music field and the possibilities of popularizing the field with answers to open questions. These arguments may prove decisive in students’ career choices.</p> Judit Váradi, Bella Emerencia Héjja, Tímea Szűcs (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Iskolakultúra Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Az ezerarcú magyar nyelv és irodalom <p>A félévente megjelenő kiadvány tartalmazza az Újvidéki Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar Magyar Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszékének<br />és más egyetemek kutatóinak munkáit, melyek az irodalom- és a nyelvtudomány szerteágazó területéhez kapcsolódnak.</p> Orsolya Turi (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Iskolakultúra Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200