Irrigation Water Use in the Danube Basin: Facts, Governance and Approach to Sustainability

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Diana Dogaru
Wolfram Mauser
Dan Balteanu
Tatjana Krimly
Christian Lippert
Mihaela Sima
Jan Szolgay
Silvia Kohnova
Martin Hanel
Mariyana Nikolova
Sandor Szalai
Anton Frank


In this paper we assess the irrigation water use in the Danube Basin, highlight its complexity, identify future challenges and show the relevance for a basin-wide integrative irrigation management plan as part of a more holistic and coherent resource policy. In this sense, we base our integrative regional assessments of the water-food-energy nexus on insights from an extensive review and scientific synthesis of the Danube Basin and region, experimental field studies on irrigation and agricultural water consumption, current irrigation related policies and strategies in most of the Danube countries, and regulatory frameworks on resources at European Union level. We show that a basin-wide integrative approach to water use calls for the evaluation of resource use trade-offs, resonates with the need for transdisciplinary research in addressing nexus challenges and supports integrative resource management policies within which irrigation water use represents an inherent part. In this respect, we propose a transdisciplinary research framework on sustainable irrigation water use in the Danube Basin. The findings were summarized into four interconnected problem areas in the Danube Basin, which directly or indirectly relate to irrigation strategies and resource policies: prospective water scarcity and Danube water connectedness, agricultural droughts, present and future level of potential yields, and science based proactive decision-making.


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Dogaru, Diana, Wolfram Mauser, Dan Balteanu, Tatjana Krimly, Christian Lippert, Mihaela Sima, Jan Szolgay, Silvia Kohnova, Martin Hanel, Mariyana Nikolova, Sandor Szalai, and Anton Frank. 2019. “Irrigation Water Use in the Danube Basin: Facts, Governance and Approach to Sustainability”. Journal of Environmental Geography 12 (3-4):1-12.


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