18th-Century Daily Measurements and Weather Observations in the Se-Carpathian Basin A Preliminary Analysis of the Timişoara Series (1780-1803)

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Ildikó Csernus-Molnár
Edit Pócsik


Covering a period of 23 years, the Timişoara (in historical Banat region; today SW-Romania) series is the earliest known long-term 18th-century daily measurement (temperature, pressure) and weather observation series (precipitation, sky coverage, meteorological extremes), preserved in the south-eastern lowlands of the Carpathian Basin. Based on data derived from the original weather diary of the royal pharmacist Karl Joseph Klapka, in this paper the early instrumental measurement and daily observation series is presented referring to the temperature, pressure, precipitation conditions, cloudiness, wind, types of precipitation and extreme weather events that occurred in Timişoara in the period of 1780 -1803. The two daily temperature measurement series show very high (over r=0.95) correlations, while pressure series are also in good agreement with other known late 18th-century measurement series of the same period in the Carpathian Basin (Buda, Miskolc and Kežmarok). The Timişoara-series also contains important information concerning such weather extremes as the severe winter of 1784 or the unusual number of summer fog events in 1783 (presumably related to the Icelandic Lakagígar eruption), which are also reported in the present paper.


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Csernus-Molnár, Ildikó, Andrea Kiss, and Edit Pócsik. 2014. “18th-Century Daily Measurements and Weather Observations in the Se-Carpathian Basin: A Preliminary Analysis of the Timişoara Series (1780-1803)”. Journal of Environmental Geography 7 (1-2):1-9. https://doi.org/10.2478/jengeo-2014-0001.


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