Morphological and hydrological characteristics of paleo-channels on the alluvial fan of the Maros River, Hungary

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Borbála Sümeghy
Tímea Kiss


The aim of our research was to identify and map the paleo-channel systems on the alluvial fan of the Maros River and to analyse their spatial characteristics. The study on flow directions, horizontal channel parameters and paleo-discharge of the channels can help to forecast the maximum flood discharge and channel changes influenced by climate variations. The paleo-channel generations on the Maros alluvial fan form 13 zones with well defined boundaries. These zones can be either dominated by meandering (5), braided (2), or the mixture of meandering and braided patterns (3). The remaining three paleo-channel zones exhibit an anastomosing pattern but they were not analysed in this study. The horizontal morphological parameters of the braided, the meandering and the misfit channels were measured. Based on these morphometric parameters and regional discharge equations the bankfull discharge of the meandering zones was calculated. The greatest discharge was around 2655 m3/s while the smallest was 27 m3/s in case of a misfit paleo-channel. Based on the slope conditions the alluvial fan was divided into three parts. The greatest slope (31.0 cm/km) was found in the central part of the alluvial fan, whilst slightly lower slopes (23.8 cm/km and 24.9 cm/km) characterise its axial and distal parts. These parameters refer to a normal radial profile of an alluvial fan. The channel pattern changes are in close relation with differences in slope. This is the most obvious in zone No. IX, where braided channels transform into meandering and then braided again from east to west in accordance with slope conditions.


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Sümeghy, Borbála, and Tímea Kiss. 2012. “Morphological and Hydrological Characteristics of Paleo-Channels on the Alluvial Fan of the Maros River, Hungary”. Journal of Environmental Geography 5 (1-4):11-19.

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