A Taylori elvek a magyar gazdaságban

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Béla Krisztián
Zsolt Nemeskéri


Industry and people both arrived to a turning point with Frederick Winslow Taylor's (1856-1915) work entitled Principles of Scientific Management published in 1911. Since then he is the primer name in mangement education, and his principles are still relevant. Taylorism means the scientific knowledge of the industrial work organization. It had an innovative effect not only on industrial organisations, but also on other branches of economy: the public sector and the services. In our paper we present the history and the relevance of Taylor's pronciples.

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How to Cite
Krisztián, Béla, and Zsolt Nemeskéri. 2014. “A Taylori Elvek a Magyar gazdaságban”. TAYLOR 6 (1-2):498-508. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/12838.