Vezetői kompetencia vizsgálatok a felsőoktatás gazdasági vezetőinek körében - egy kutatás elméleti megalapozása


Tibor Balla


According to theorerical and practical experiences successful leaders should stand behind the successful organizations. In recent years many investigations have been published in this topic- according to their results there are some competences which are neutral of sector and in other cases some are prevalent or neglected. In my doctoral thesis, I will highlight on the expectations of leadership competences in the higher education because implied competence investigations are defective now. After the review of the literature, I will construct a Quinn model which help me to explore these investigations. During my research, I will analyse the need of a general expected competences economic leader of universities, which are essential to carry out leaders’ duties.The aim of this study collects from the domestic and international literatures the commonly used results and map of competences among researchers, analysts and actors of the economic sector.


Hogyan kell idézni
Balla, Tibor. 2017. „Vezetői Kompetencia vizsgálatok a felsőoktatás gazdasági vezetőinek körében - Egy kutatás elméleti megalapozása”. TAYLOR 9 (1):41-48.
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