A munkahelyi elköteleződés felmérése és fejlesztési célok meghatározása
Committed employees represent high value for companies. They are key factors of organizational success, they let organizations respond to changes quickly and properly, they are needed for balanced performance, and they make companies able to renew and develop from time to time. They grant stability and safety for their leaders, which is necessary for any companies to work well (Wright et al. 1994). This paper investigates the reasons of organizational commitment. Revealing the causes we would like to draw up some development strategies in the interest of enhancing organizational commitment. We would like to draw attention that the organizational commitment is a complex concept influenced by many factors. These factors are very important to be noticed and used when creating an action plan aiming the strengthening of employees’ commitment. The paper summarizes the results of a study among 119 adults. The results show that continuance commitment is much higher in developing areas and that companies should focus on strengthening normative and affective commitments, because these types represent more positive effects on the company and the employees.
Hogyan kell idézni
Erdei, Panni, Veronika Fenyves, és Krisztina Dajnoki. 2017. „A Munkahelyi elköteleződés felmérése és fejlesztési célok meghatározása”. TAYLOR 9 (2):107-13. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13106.
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