Gyermekszegénység : lakásmegtartási nehézségek és a gyermekszegénység kapcsolata Szentesen


Péter Szabó


The topic of child poverty has an advantaged interest also in Hungary in
the beginning of the 21st century, not only because of its contents, but its political and
ideological filling.
The main purpose of our research in the Family Support Service of Szentes was to
explore the connections of child poverty and home holding difficulties, and point to
the possibilities and difficulties of local governmental social policy. The research is
essentially based on collection of data without any intervention. Used data forms can be
considered as questionnaires, and the research assumed to collect and analyze similarly
to secondary analysis of data collected for statistical purpose.The research effected
unambiguous results, by what the main problem of the debt management program
are not the calculated deficit aggregation and carrying „stowaways”, but being a such
constant, or mostly increasing stratum, who has very low income, and must expend for
their subsistence the money support got for home expense. The consumption expense
of families with children takes the bigger proportion of their budget. Examining the
monetary balance of households, can be detected a larger risk, that the expenses can
exceed the incomes in the case of families with children.
Conclusions: It is necessary to revise scale of fees of flats, that belong to the local
government, and considering all the flat conception, increasing the effectiveness of
social support services, developing the ways of personal care, including not only home
supplementary services.


Hogyan kell idézni
Szabó, Péter. 2008. „Gyermekszegénység : Lakásmegtartási nehézségek és a gyermekszegénység Kapcsolata Szentesen”. Acta Sana 3 (2):17-25.
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