A munkahelyi stressz, mint a leggyakoribb modern foglalkozási megbetegedés


Alex Ember


The work-related stress as the most common modern occupational disease is in the
focus of my study. I studied the most common reasons of work-related stress, the different
forms of it and its connection to labor law. I realized that problems concerning
employment are one of most important factors in developing serious stress. I showed
that this serious psychological burden may result in further diseases so the reduction
or – if possible – elimination of work-related stress is highly desirable. Finally taking
all these into account I made researches concerning the different options currently
available for dealing with the problem that results in the death and disease of millions
of employees around the world.


Hogyan kell idézni
Ember, Alex. 2009. „A Munkahelyi Stressz, Mint a Leggyakoribb Modern foglalkozási megbetegedés”. Acta Sana 4 (2):15-23. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/actasana/article/view/18404.
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