El tratamiento del léxico especializado en la lexicografía española del siglo XIX
Contenido principal del artículo
The lexicographical treatment of the specialized lexicon of a language is one of the most serious problems lexicographers and specialists in the discipline must face; the author also affirms that it is one of the great pending tasks of Spanish lexicography. The paper proposes to examine the evolution and characteristics of the Spanish lexicographic tradition in general, and to present the different tendencies in the treatment of the lexicon specialized in the 19th century.
Detalles del artículo
Cómo citar
Contreras Izquierdo, N. M. (2008). El tratamiento del léxico especializado en la lexicografía española del siglo XIX. Acta Hispanica, 13, 97–108. https://doi.org/10.14232/actahisp.2008.13.97-108