Competitiveness of small enterprises in the online space among the Hungarian companies


  • Krisztián Szűcs University of Pécs



competitiveness, small enterprises,, online presence, infocommunication


There have been several studies about competitiveness and within this, company competitiveness. These studies include mainly the whole company spectrum in terms of company size from micro to large enterprises. There are studies which focus on large companies and the others on big and medium sized companies. There are studies which use mostly secondary data, and there is a few which use primary data. Although more studies do not take into consideration the fact that the operation mechanism and behaviour of small enterprises are different from the larger ones.
Moreover, by using secondary data we are not able to look into the company, which does not ease the task of the researchers and business economics specialists. This is the reason for this study topic, which can fill a gap in the examination of enterprise competitiveness. In my analysis I focus on Hungarian small enterprises, and I do research using primary data. The study was done in University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics, which analyses enterprise competitiveness, but I focus on the role of companies in the online space. The online research of the companies was done with the co-operation of University of Pécs Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, the result of which was integrated into the final sample. I deal with its descriptive analysis in this study.



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How to Cite

Szűcs, K. (2019). Competitiveness of small enterprises in the online space among the Hungarian companies. Analecta Technica Szegedinensia, 13(2), 21–27.


