The influence of PET and PBT contamination during transportation fuel production via pyrolysis


  • Zsolt Dobó University of Miskolc, Department of Combustion Technology and Thermal Energy, Hungary
  • Tamara Mahner University of Miskolc, Department of Combustion Technology and Thermal Energy, Hungary
  • Balázs Hegedüs University of Miskolc, Department of Combustion Technology and Thermal Energy, Hungary
  • Gábor Nagy University of Miskolc, Department of Combustion Technology and Thermal Energy, Hungary



Plastic waste, Pyrolysis, Reflux temperature


The pyrolysis of plastic waste is a promising method to reduce waste accumulation while it could provide value-added transportation fuels. The main goal of this study is to investigate the influence of PET and PBT contamination during plastic pyrolysis oil production utilizing HDPE, LDPE, PP, and PS mixtures as these plastics are good candidates for transportation fuel production via pyrolysis and distillation. Seven different waste blends were prepared and pyrolyzed in a laboratory-scale batch reactor equipped with reflux. Mass balance, gas analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, and deposit formation were evaluated. It was concluded that by increasing the PET or PBT concentration in the initial solid waste mixtures, the oil production decreases while the amount of gases increases. Additionally, either PET or PBT generates operational difficulties due to they form deposits in piping system in form of benzoic acid. The maximum concentration of these plastic waste materials was 20% (PET) and 25% (PBT) in this study as further increase blocked the cross-section of piping, causing operational difficulties. Based on the obtained results the concentration of PET and PBT should be limited in waste mixtures when transportation fuel production is desired.



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How to Cite

Dobó, Z., Mahner, T., Hegedüs, B., & Nagy, G. (2021). The influence of PET and PBT contamination during transportation fuel production via pyrolysis. Analecta Technica Szegedinensia, 15(1), 82–87.


