Osmanische Funktionäre im Informationsnetz des kaiserlichen Residenten in Konstantinopel Simon Reniger (1649-1666)

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Sándor Papp


This paper focuses on the Ottoman information network of a Habsburg ambassador, Simon Reniger, who was living in Constantinople in the middle of the 17th century. The ambassador’s connections can be broken down into different groups based on the nature of the relationship. Research and the identification of individuals is made difficult by the fact that except for the members of the uppermost circles, those from the middle and lower classes are not mentioned in contemporary historical works, only in Ottoman, German or Hungarian  archival  sources.

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How to Cite
Papp, Sándor. 2020. “Osmanische Funktionäre Im Informationsnetz Des Kaiserlichen Residenten in Konstantinopel Simon Reniger (1649-1666)”. Chronica 19 (September):24-41. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/chronica/article/view/34021.