Komitate Csanád und Csongrád im Wirbel der Zeit zwischen 1918 und 1920 Zwischen Revolution, Besatzung und Gebietsverlusten


László Marjanucz


Local people were in the grips of a military occupation and revolutions. In the wake of the war came poverty and suffering, protesters flocked the streets and some of the ex-soldiers resorted to lootings and robberies spreading terror among the wealthy owners. The revolution was in fact a coup d'etat by an anti -war political group who were unable to keep the atrocities in the countryside under control. Concurrently, the country was being taken over by the winners. Csanad County was taken over by the Romanian army. By overemphasizing their role in the overthrow of the Commune in Csanad County, they prepared the annexation of this land to Romania. Under the pretext of resupplying the army, a systematic act of looting was introduced as requisition. The Commune in defence of its class interest was ready to take up arms against the Romanian army but in Csanad County this intention of self defence was only expressed in a form of declaration. The Romanians with the help of the Triple Entente managed to conquest Mako and its surroundings, introduced the Romanian royal civil services to this land but their excessive nationalistic demands were not supported by the allies, either. Therefore, they had to march out from middle Csanad County.


Hogyan kell idézni
Marjanucz, László. 2021. „Komitate Csanád Und Csongrád Im Wirbel Der Zeit Zwischen 1918 Und 1920: Zwischen Revolution, Besatzung Und Gebietsverlusten”. Chronica 20 (december):22-36. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/chronica/article/view/43587.
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