A szövetkezések szerepe a mezőgazdaság zöldség és gyümölcs szektorában
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Our country has good ecological conditions in the fruit and vegetable crops, but the present situation of the sector, farmers can take advantage of the opportunities just in fragments. The problem is the diversity of cultivated varieties and fragmented land ownership structure, as well as by the concentration of the food trade against the vulnerable position of small fanners with other segments of producers. It would be important to the future more and more small producers to become a member of a producer organization, which have not only the expansion of their agricultural enterprises would develop, but the development of the whole fruit and vegetable sector would help by them.
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How to Cite
Panyor, Ágota. 2015. “A szövetkezések Szerepe a mezőgazdaság zöldség és gyümölcs szektorában”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 10 (2):75-85. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2015.2.75-85.
Társadalmi szerveződések és folyamatok