A gyógyszertári logisztika és a minőségbiztosítás néhány összefüggése, valamint közreműködői

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Mária Magdolna Kómár
József Gál


A pharmacy is such a health care institution that carries out health service and retail functions. The national legal framework has strict regulations about quality assurance. In the world of business a manager plans, organizes, directs and controls. Research has shown that the majority of business leaders think that companies with women executives are more successful. Logistics and quality assurance both influence company and pharmacy competitiveness on their own. When they combine they can determine market positions more significantly. Solving problems in logistics involves the movement of materials, personnel, energy and information. In the case I detail, the above four features (pharmacist, QP - Qualified Person, manager and woman) manifest in one person. Knowledge capital and interpersonal relations helped her solve the problem.


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How to Cite
Kómár, Mária Magdolna, and József Gál. 2015. “A gyógyszertári Logisztika és a minőségbiztosítás néhány összefüggése, Valamint közreműködői”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 10 (2):121-30. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2015.2.121-130.
Szállítmányozás, logisztika, mechatronika