A szociális szövetkezetek szerepe a vidékfejlesztésben - esettanulmány A Bergendóc Szociális Szövetkezet működésének éseredményeinek értékelése

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Krisztián Kis
Helga Kovács
Gabriella Szatmári
Mónika Tóth


The greatest challenges facing rural areas today are to improve the employment and income opportunities. Remedying this situation, social cooperatives that are able to integrate the economic, societal and socio-cultural goals can play an important role. Their operation can significantly contribute to alleviate employment and social problems, to stabilize the rural economy and to promote social cohesion and social inclusion in rural areas. In our study, we examine the operation and results of the Bergendóc Szociális Szövetkezet (Bergendóc Social Cooperative). Our case study points out that the cooperative implemented various, especially social, cultural and community organizing activities, since its formation in 2013; while it has not been able to develop a sustainable economic basement for its operation. The lack of results from business activities, in the absence of other financial resources, caused financial crisis in the operation and as a consequence of that, the cooperative largely ceased its activities, and actually it just vegetates today.


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How to Cite
Kis, Krisztián, Helga Kovács, Gabriella Szatmári, and Mónika Tóth. 2016. “A szociális szövetkezetek Szerepe a vidékfejlesztésben - esettanulmány: A Bergendóc Szociális Szövetkezet működésének éseredményeinek értékelése”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 11 (1-2):9-34. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2016.1-2.9-34.
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