A kukorica relatív klorofill tartalma, levélterülete és termésátlaga közötti összefüggés vizsgálata monokultúrás tartamkísérletben

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Gábor Bencze
Zoltán Futó


The experiment was set up at Szarvas in the experimental field of the University of Szent István, Faculty of Agricultural and Economics Studies, in Galambos. During the research, we examined the effect of various nutrients (N, P, K) ratios on maize monoculture in long-term experiments. The contexts between the factors 32 nutrients we measured it on a supply level. We examined the nutrient reaction of maize on the chlorophyll content, the establishment of the leaf area and the average yield. The increase of the leaf area yielded a tight positive correlation with the increase of the average yield and the leaf relative chlorophyll content. From among the nutriment elements we measured the most considerable positive effect in the case of the nitrogen in our experiment, the effects of the phosphorus and the potassium were smaller.


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How to Cite
Bencze, Gábor, and Zoltán Futó. 2017. “A Kukorica relatív Klorofill Tartalma, levélterülete és termésátlaga közötti összefüggés vizsgálata monokultúrás tartamkísérletben”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 12 (3):21-28. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2017.3.21-28.