Baktériumkészítmény alkalmazásának hatása konténerben nevelt szamóca (Fragari A X Ananassa CV. Joly) terméshozamára
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Application of different microbial products for yield enhancement might allow the decrease of the amount of applied chemicals. There are not many experiments tough published on testing the effects of commercial microbial products under controlled conditions. The aim of our studies is to investigate the effect of microbial products, containing different plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) strains on strawberry. In this preliminary experiment the growing medium of strawberry was treated with different concentrations (1,5 1/ha, 15 1/ha, 30 1/ha) of Bactofil B-10 (Agrobio) in two repeats. Based on our results only the highest concentration (30 1/ha) of Bactofil B-10 resulted significant increase in the yield of strawberry.
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Mihálka, Virág, András Palkovics, and Ildikó Király. 2017. “Baktériumkészítmény alkalmazásának hatása konténerben Nevelt szamóca (Fragari A X Ananassa CV. Joly) terméshozamára”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 12 (3):89-95.