Mezőgazdasági és élelmiszeripari hulladékok és melléktermékek hasznosításának lehetőségei
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We deal with agricultural and food waste and by-products, focusing on meat, poultry and dairy by-products. We have conducted interviews with the representatives of food companies working in different sectors, and with the by-product processing company, the ATEV Protein Processing Ltd. We processed and evaluated the information - had received. Our aim with the interviews was to get a comprehensive picture of the waste management practices of the analysed companies, as well as of the possibility of future investments and further ways of recycling. Lastly, we examined the situation of waste management in firms in the food industry, and I proposed solutions to the emerging problems.
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Lendvai, Edina, and Csilla Slajkó. 2017. “Mezőgazdasági és élelmiszeripari hulladékok és melléktermékek hasznosításának lehetőségei”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 12 (3):161-70.