Vilmoskörte párlatok gázkromatográfiás és érzékszervi profilanalitikus eredményeinek elemzése egy- és többváltozós statisztikai módszerekkel

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László Sipos
Sándor Kovács
László Nagygyörgy
János Lázár
Attila Gere
Zoltán Kókai


International research results show, there is a high correlation between instrumental analytical results and human perception parameters based on the different components of the products. Our goal is to examine six 'home' distilled and four commercially available Williams pear distillates with gas chromatography (GC-MS) method and perform a sensory profile analysis test. Gas chromatography tests were performed by Wessling Hungary Ltd. (ISO 13299:2016) while the sensory profile analysis sessions (ISO 13299:2016) were performed in the sensory laboratory of Szent István University (ISO 8586:2012) involving an expert sensory panel. One by one we evaluated the individual distillates per volatile component and sensory properties with one-variable analyses, after evaluating the sensory evaluation performance of the software (PanelCheck, ISO 11132:2012). In our work, we use spatial reduction mathematical methods (principle component analysis, PCA; multiple factor analysis, MFA). In our results, we demonstrate the relations between the sensory and the analytical dimensions; we confirmed the fact, that the main aromas of Williams pear (methyl-2-trans4-cis-decadieoate, ethyl-2-trans-4-cisdekadieoate) are closely related to the sensory dimension of pear flavour.


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Sipos, László, Sándor Kovács, László Nagygyörgy, János Lázár, Attila Gere, and Zoltán Kókai. 2017. “Vilmoskörte párlatok gázkromatográfiás és érzékszervi Profilanalitikus eredményeinek elemzése Egy- és többváltozós Statisztikai módszerekkel”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 12 (3):179-86.