A közép- és kelet-európai régiók konvergenciájának területi relációi

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Zoltán Egri
Ferenc Arany
Csaba Szabó


Convergence among regions is one of the political objectives of the European Union. In our study we have studied the territorial features of this phenomenon in the Eastern and Central European macroregion by regional approach (NUTS2). Our basic goal is to explore the general and spatial relationships of convergence. The methodology of our analysis is the absolute (unconditional) convergence test complemented by the spatial features (contiguity relations). The main question of research focuses on whether the convergence is predominant in the examined region? How do spatial interactions contribute to this process?


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How to Cite
Egri, Zoltán, Ferenc Arany, and Csaba Szabó. 2017. “A közép- és Kelet-európai régiók konvergenciájának területi relációi”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 12 (3):259-67. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2017.3.259-267.