Az abrazív vízsugaras vágás alkalmazhatósága forgácsoló megmunkálási műveletekre

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Krisztina Kun-Bodnár
János Kundrák


Today the waterjet is unparalleled in many aspects of cutting and has changed the way many products are manufactured. The abrasive waterjet (AWJ) is capable of a variety of operations. Waterjet cutting is a cold cutting process that does not cause fracturing in the material. Almost any material can be machined by waterjet cutting. While it is often used for cutting larger objects into pieces, extension of its application to free form surfaces is also being investigated from a number of angles. This article discusses the machining of a rotating body using alternative AWJ operations. Due to the excellent properties of the abrasive water jet, this process has potential for use in cutting machining.


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How to Cite
Kun-Bodnár, Krisztina, and János Kundrák. 2017. “Az abrazív vízsugaras vágás alkalmazhatósága forgácsoló megmunkálási műveletekre”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 12 (4):61-65.