Az autonómia értelmezésének fogalmi alapjai, és az önrendelkezési törekvések gazdasági háttere

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Andrea Nagy


This research is concerning about the viability of independence and autonomy within the European Union. The most recent Scottish and Catalan pursuits for referendum and the reality of such endeavours will be the main focuses of the following study. Firstly, the definition of autonomy and the attitude of the European community toward the notion will be discussed and evaluated, while later the Scottish and Catalan autonomy movements and campaigns will also be analyzed. This research, relates autonomy to self-governance instead of self-determination and the economic environment appears to be an important determining factor for the appearance and viability of pursuits for autonomy. Based on economic indicators, the emergence of autonomous endeavors has a positive correlation with economic growth. Therefore, individual European states" improving economic indicators might change the relationship between minorities and majorities which tendency can lead toward absolute separation as the furthest outcome.


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How to Cite
Nagy, Andrea. 2017. “Az autonómia értelmezésének Fogalmi Alapjai, és Az önrendelkezési törekvések gazdasági háttere”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 12 (4):253-64.