The Electric Drive is the Future? When, Where, How and How Much?

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István Tibor Tóth


My view is that, unfortunately, there are a lot of biased, somewhat preconceptual “analyzes” exist and are born on the subject electric vehicle. The calculations of these theories also show significant shortcomings, and with their partial truths they are capable of misleading, confusing, or guiding those who are receptive to it. It is more convenient and unfortunately, in many cases seems to be sufficient, to use a well-known, or often used, trendy reference instead of meaningful critical evaluation and thought. My goal is not to persuade and to direct the direction, rather to the extent of the uncertainty needed, to encourage reflection, to try to examine the subject matter, which is becoming more and more fashionable in our age. This is also served by a series of questions and conclusions in the questions. Several eyes see more when they open them, perhaps from the dangers and opportunities as well. That is why I deliberately interpret the directions of development differently and make a somewhat different principle comparison than usual.


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How to Cite
Tóth, István Tibor. 2019. “The Electric Drive Is the Future? When, Where, How and How Much?”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 14 (1):141-51.
Technical and information sciences