Surveys for Reducing Dropout – for Students with Learning Disability

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Edina Lendvai
Katalin Pappné Sziládi
Anita Vidács


During our research, we wanted to investigate the reasons behind the drop-out of the students of the Faculty of Engineering. Doing so, based on the former EFOP-3.4.3-16-2016-0001 subproject, we wanted to broaden our research with further studies. Our main goal with the questionnaires was to find out that the biology and physics courses being set forth with the survey mentioned above represent great difficulties to which class of students. It was shown that primarily – in significant proportion – amongst Food Science Engineering classes can be found students who have learning difficulties. In our point of view the solution would be to create a lecture note that summarizes the information the lecturer says and what is shown during the course in an understandable way.


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How to Cite
Lendvai, Edina, Katalin Pappné Sziládi, and Anita Vidács. 2019. “Surveys for Reducing Dropout – for Students With Learning Disability”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 14 (1):211-16.
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