Green Hydrogen

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Vénusz Rea Támba
Nóra Nagy


In this research, we present the potential of green hydrogen as a renewable energy source. Hydrogen can be a good solution to reduce emissions of harmful substances, and there is a growing interest and demand for it. Hydrogen can also be described as a universal energy carrier, as it can be used for a wide range of purposes and in a wide power range. In the near future, hydrogen will be used to power mobile phones and laptops, for example. It can also be used in hydrogen-powered cars. Such a wide range of applications is not generally available for conventional energy carriers, which is why it would be very beneficial if hydrogen could be produced and used without emitting harmful substances. The primary objective is to produce hydrogen in an environmentally friendly way, and the hydrogen produced is nowadays called green hydrogen. There are many developments in this sector in the coming decades. Future developments will certainly point in this direction, which is worth waiting for and developing. For a cleaner future for the next generation, it is certainly worth paying more attention to this development segment.


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How to Cite
Támba, Vénusz Rea, and Nóra Nagy. 2023. “Green Hydrogen”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (Különszám):495-502.
Author Biographies

Vénusz Rea Támba, Miskolci Egyetem Energetikai és Vegyipari Gépészeti Intézet, Áramlás- és Hőtechnikai Gépek Intézeti Tanszék (Miskolc)

műszaki menedzser BSc-hallgató

Nóra Nagy, Miskolci Egyetem



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