Career Motivations and Attitudes of Talented Students in Relation to the University of Debrecen

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Éva Gergely
Krisztina Sándorné Veres
Edit Barizsné Hadházi
Adrienn Horváth


The study is about on the one hand the popularity of the University of Debrecen as a potential workplace among students participating in Talent Management Program of UD (DETEP) and on the other hand UD’s perception, which may be decisive in determining students’ future commitment to the university as a prospective workplace. Using a questionnaire survey (N=92), we assessed the general career motivation factors and especially the motivation of DETEP students to start their career at the University of Debrecen. In addition, we tried to identify those factors that may influence the commitment of DETEP students to the University of Debrecen as a prospective workplace. The research revealed that the most relevant career motivation factor was the possibility of an academic career, followed by the impact of the teacher playing an important role in their studies, then the opportunity to participate in international and national conferences and to contribute to the development and success of the university. The University workplace is considered valuable and the professional level is adequate, bit the low income option has deterrent effect to a certain extent. When looking at students' first impressions of the University of Debrecen, the reputation and perception of the university is clearly positive. However, the University should improve the student administration and professional internships activities. Nevertheless, the survey highlighted that the scholarship programme and the opportunity to gain practical skills is very remarkable.


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How to Cite
Gergely, Éva, Krisztina Sándorné Veres, Edit Barizsné Hadházi, and Adrienn Horváth. 2023. “Career Motivations and Attitudes of Talented Students in Relation to the University of Debrecen”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (Különszám):159-71.
Author Biographies

Éva Gergely, University of Debrecen Faculty of Economics and Business

associate professor, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business, Institute of Management and Organisational Sciences, Department of Human Resource Management (Debrecen),

Krisztina Sándorné Veres, Debreceni Egyetem, Kancellária, HR Igazgatóság, HR Ügyvitel-szervezési Osztály (Debrecen)

assistant deputy in Head of Department, University of Debrecen, Chancellery, HR Board of Directors, HR Administrative Organization Department

Edit Barizsné Hadházi, University o Debrecen Faculty of Economics and Business

associate professor, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business, Institute of Management and Organisational Sciences, Department of Human Resource Management (Debrecen)

Adrienn Horváth, Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Vezetés- és Szervezéstudományi Intézet, Szervezés és Kommunikáció nem önálló Tanszék (Debrecen)

senior lecturer, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business, Institute of Management and Organisational Sciences, Department of Organisational Sciences and Communication (Debrecen)


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