Lehetséges tehetségek Tehetségazonosítás kisiskolás korban

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Murátiné Szél Edit


People with above-average skills can be recognized early in our educational systems. High potential talents usually reveal themseives in their First years of their studies, there-fore their recognition can be started even in the first years of primary school. Creativity is one of the most important feature of talent. Ellis Paul Torrance an ameri-can psychologist has developed a method - called Torrance test of creative thinking (TTCT) - to identify this essential attribute. My goal was to measure, compare and verify somé of my previous observations re-garding hidden talents with a proven scientific method by performing TTCT circles task with my class, This paper describes my observations and experiences during this journey of discov-eringpotential talents in my second year primary school class.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Murátiné Szél, E. (2017). Lehetséges tehetségek: Tehetségazonosítás kisiskolás korban. Módszertani Közlemények, 57(4), 11–21. Elérés forrás https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/modszertani-kozlemenyek/article/view/35467
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