Facebook-alapú tanulásszervezés az informatikaórán

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Rozgonyi-Borus Ferenc


Only few publications have been made on Facebook-based learning in Hungarian, most of them in the field of foreign language teaching. I have rethought the experiences which have been gained so far and used the method in IT education. One of the chosen topics became computer games. The created closed group enabled the students to vote, upload pictures, position links, share sources and videos, comment and like different things. Af­ter choosing five sub-topics, the students worked in 3-4-person groups and then we shared the gained experiences. We finished the whole process with presentations in or­der to preserve the results.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Rozgonyi-Borus, F. (2016). Facebook-alapú tanulásszervezés az informatikaórán. Módszertani Közlemények, 56(4), 31–36. Elérés forrás https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/modszertani-kozlemenyek/article/view/35493
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