Entrepreneurial culture in Hungary - the hype of starts-ups
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The main focus of this article is to discuss startups from an entrepreneurial perspective, emphasizing the context and external sources for managing startup enterprises. First, a number of definitions of “startup” businesses will be provided. Startup as an enterprise and startup as a culture will be differentiated. As entrepreneurial and macro perspectives are adopted, some economic criteria and statistics will be provided, with a special focus on comparing Hungary to other countries along innovation, entrepreneurship and financial capital. This will give a clearer picture of Hungary’s potential for startup-exits.
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How to Cite
Németh, Gergely. 2015. “Entrepreneurial Culture in Hungary - the Hype of Starts-Ups”. TAYLOR 7 (1-2):7-13. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/12890.