"Strategizing", avagy a stratégiaalkotás szerepe a hálózatban egy magyarországi autóipari beszállító példáján keresztül = Strategizing i. e. the role of strategic development in a network through an example of a Hungarian automotive supplier

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Mária Magyar
Zsuzsanna Szalkai


The traditional sense of strategic management approach and the conceptualisation of “strategizing” in the philosophy of IMP (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing) Group – a research group which examines business organizations from the network theory perspective – is the focus of this paper. The aim of this paper is a comparison between basic theses of corporate strategy and ‚strategizing’ (strategy formulation). After a short theoretical review, the authors illustrate the interpretation of strategizing through a case study of a Hungarian industrial company called Videoton. The authors highlight the fact that the effective strategizing is based on perfect knowledge of the company’s own capabilities, which is necessary for the company to find the favourable network position through managing relationships.

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How to Cite
Magyar, Mária, and Zsuzsanna Szalkai. 2015. “‘Strategizing’, Avagy a stratégiaalkotás Szerepe a hálózatban Egy magyarországi autóipari beszállító példáján keresztül = Strategizing I. E. The Role of Strategic Development in a Network through an Example of a Hungarian Automotive Supplier”. TAYLOR 7 (1-2):119-26. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/12903.