Munkahelyi tanulás elősegítésének változásvezetési szempontjai = Change management aspects of enhancing on-the-job learning
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In our complex, knowledge-based society the places of learning have changed, the role of the workplace becomes more and more important in learning. Researchers analyze the change management challenges regarding enhancing on-the-job learning and knowledge transfer. The knowledge management processes are often supported by ICT that creates a lot of change management challenges in creating learning organizations. Researchers examined an ERP project in an agricultural company and its influence on intraorganizational knowledge transfer and learning processes by semi-structured interviews, document analysis and observation. Authors believe that this study extends the understanding of human-computer collaboration from the change management aspects of on-the-job learning, it defines the change management challenges and potential solutions.
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How to Cite
Ferincz, Adrienn, Lilla Hortoványi, and Miklós Dobák. 2015. “Munkahelyi tanulás elősegítésének változásvezetési Szempontjai = Change Management Aspects of Enhancing on-the-Job Learning”. TAYLOR 7 (1-2):320-27.