A munkatermelékenység és a foglalkoztatottság elemzése a debreceni székhelyű vállalatok körében = Analysis of labour efficiency and employment among companies located in Debrecen

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István Kovács
Andrea Karcagi-Kováts


In this paper we study those companies that located in Debrecen, so that their headquarter is registered to the second largest city of Hungary. Our analysis focuses on the labour efficiency of these companies, and tries to introduce the main trends of the last 4 years. We concluded that between 2012 and 2015 the labour efficiency improved, with a stable growth rate between 6 and 10 percent depending on the industry and the year. The most important companies are the TOP350 by revenue, but the other companies tend to employ more person.

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How to Cite
Kovács, István, and Andrea Karcagi-Kováts. 2017. “A munkatermelékenység és a foglalkoztatottság elemzése a Debreceni székhelyű vállalatok körében = Analysis of Labour Efficiency and Employment Among Companies Located in Debrecen”. TAYLOR 9 (3-4):90-98. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13129.