A kötelező szakmai gyakorlat értékelése munkaadói szempontból

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Orsolya Bernadett Nagy


Higher education institutions provide mostly theoretical education for students, which are difficult to use in internship. For this reason, a compulsory internship is a great help, which becomes part of an increasing number of training programs. The Bologna Declaration and EU accession have largely transformed our country's higher education system. One important change in internship-intensive courses was the introduction of a mandatory semester. During the internship semester, students can gain professional experience and work related to their training in a real work environment. The internship training center can learn the students' performance, work, and after the end of the internship they can even work for them. Trainees can also increase the profits of training venues as the student's knowledge of the semester and the ability to work with the trainee is the same as an entrant, but at a significantly lower cost.


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How to Cite
Nagy, Orsolya Bernadett. 2020. “A kötelező Szakmai Gyakorlat értékelése munkaadói szempontból”. TAYLOR 11 (3):100-113. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/31806.