Knowledge management in universities 2. Knowledge sharing in hungarian higher education an empirical research

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Erzsébet Mária Jármai
Gabriella Keczer


In the second paper on knowledge management in universities, the outcomes of an empirical research are presented. A survey and a series of interviews were conducted in 16 faculties of Hungarian business higher education institutions. Issues such as mentoring young faculty, knowledge transmission and cooperation among colleagues and formal knowledge management and training were addressed. The results suggest that – in line with the findings of other surveys abroad – there is a lot to do concerning the most important element of knowledge management, knowledge sharing. Professional and pedagogical support of young faculty, permanent dialogue and cooperation, supportive institutional context are the factors that the participants of the survey miss the most.

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How to Cite
Jármai, Erzsébet Mária, and Gabriella Keczer. 2020. “Knowledge Management in Universities 2.: Knowledge Sharing in Hungarian Higher Education an Empirical Research”. TAYLOR 11 (3):75-89.