Belgrádtól Brüsszelig, avagy a horvát országimázs alakulása
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With the collapse of Yugoslavia, one of the most heterogeneous countries of East-Central Europe from ethnical"linguistic, economic and religious"cultural aspect, nations living together in a common state for decades became independent. Croatia proclaimed its sovereignty in 1991, which also meant the beginning of the Yugoslavian war causing enormous human, cultural and economic devastation. Country being under the reign of other nations for centuries is now known as Croatia – by leaving the Yugoslavian protection it had to develop its own state and own country image. Its success is not only proven by being one of the most famous destinations of the Mediterranean but as well by its new chapter heading the EU, leaving its history’s storms behind. Besides that country image research is a highly popular field of today’s marketing, the study investigates a special country image through literature review and expert interviews from the era of Tito’s Yugoslavia to the future; the image of a country which has already faced numerous challenges during the past decades and soon it will have to find its place in a new environment.
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Hogyan kell idézni
Gerdesics, Viktória. 2014. „Belgrádtól Brüsszelig, Avagy a horvát országimázs alakulása”. Köztes-Európa 6 (1):125-33.
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