Hazai tapasztalatok a transznacionális önkormányzati együttműködések terén
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This paper explores the Hungarian local government’s involvement into transnational, mainly European local authority networks. For local authorities – as a result of globalization and Europeanization – there is an increasingly important role of learning from each other. It can be related, that the phenomenon of local government networking is an increasingly dynamic one. In Europe, likewise the other parts of the world, the number of cooperating cities is growing in an extraordinary measure. The study considers to what extent the Hungarian local authorities are involved, and also how they are able to use these collaborations. To map the Hungarian local government’s involvement into transnational local authority networks and to measure the conduciveness of their international cooperation, both quantitative (online questionnaire, sample of 263) and qualitative (7 interviews) approaches were used. In this paper the emphasis is put on the latter one.
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Hogyan kell idézni
Kovács, Laura. 2014. „Hazai Tapasztalatok a transznacionális önkormányzati együttműködések terén”. Köztes-Európa 6 (1):181-89. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/vikekke/article/view/12664.
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