A felsőoktatási innováció, mint a regionális gazdaság potenciális motorja Pécs példáján
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The RDI as a modern and dynamically developing sector of the economy plays a more and more significant role nowdays. Beside the companies and the governmental sphere the higher education institutions are also reliable for the efficiency of the quaternary sector. The article deals with this topic from the aspect of the University of Pécs (UP) as one of the main institute responsible for the innovational activity of the South Transdanubian region and the biggest employer of the city of Pécs. In the course of this after finding the place of Hungary and the region in the EU and in the country as measuring its RDI potential, it examines the external and internal RDI milieu of the UP with a SWOT analysis. After this it reveals the innovational researches of each faculty and the main profile of the spin-off and start-up enterprises connected to them among with their RDI tendering operation between 2007 and 2013. Among others it also deals with the well-known RDI investments of Pécs according to the city’s population and the innovation management process of the UP.
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Hogyan kell idézni
Farkas, Marcell, Zsuzsanna M. Császár, és Norbert Pap. 2015. „A felsőoktatási innováció, Mint a regionális gazdaság potenciális Motorja Pécs példáján”. Köztes-Európa 7 (1-2):57-73. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/vikekke/article/view/12691.
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