A mellékvonali probléma - van kiút?

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Lajos Szabó


The construction of local interest railways had got big boost at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century in Hungary. These lines were constructed with weakened technical infrastructure parameters in a way authorized by law, and during the past decades the technical condition of these lines deteriorated further because of the missed maintenance work, and a vicious circle emerged. The low quality technical level was resulted in less and less traffic and incomes. Several ideas were born to handle the problem, but all of these have proven ineffective until now. Nowadays this problem seems to get less emphasis besides the ongoing corridor restorations supported by the EU. However there are many unexploited opportunities in extension lines which could be realized using complex approaches and examination methods, not to mention the examination of parallelism which gets more and more support.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Szabó, Lajos. 2015. „A mellékvonali probléma - Van Kiút?”. Köztes-Európa 7 (1-2):146-52. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/vikekke/article/view/12698.