Projektmenedzsment alkalmazása egy mezőgazdasági vállalkozásban

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Adrián Szilárd Nagy
Veronika Vathy


In our days it has become common for agricultural enterprises to plan and define a schedule the production processes. To make the production operate more efficiently and profitably year after year, not only the system of internal and external conditions of the production are necessary to be determined, but also the factors that affect the management of the company. A considerable attention needs to be paid to the exact definiton of the projects and the responsibilities and to finding the person for the execution of the projects. The modern production, processing and trading of agricultural products require the adaptation of newer technologies. Our research was carried out at an agricultural enterprise whose main profile was crop production. We examined the application of project management methodologies by the management of the company and the change in the efficiency caused by them. Since the complex management of the investments were introduced, the company evolved, gained larger profits, and it became more developed in comparison with other agricultural enterprises in the area.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Nagy, Adrián Szilárd, és Veronika Vathy. 2016. „Projektmenedzsment alkalmazása Egy mezőgazdasági vállalkozásban”. Köztes-Európa 8 (1-2):313-19.