Karriertervezés vizsgálata a Debreceni Egyetemen = A study of career planning at the University of Debrecen
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The start of a consciously planned career does not begin with the first day of work. Attending university, choosing a faculty can be the first step to frame a future career. However, students still require support from their close environment. Training themselves in self-recognition and to know what the labour market demands from them are essentials. The research includes a survey based questionnaire which was carried out at the University of Debrecen. They were asked about work-related career motives. Furthermore, they stated their conception of their future career. The knowledge provided by the university and the development of the student’s competencies increase the transparency of the diploma, as well as the possibility to be admitted to a secure workplace. It is necessary for the students to have a realistic self-recognition and to know the base requirements of the labour market to step in after their graduation. The survey was evaluated with IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0 software.
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Szondi, Réka. 2017. „Karriertervezés vizsgálata a Debreceni Egyetemen = A Study of Career Planning at the University of Debrecen”. Köztes-Európa 9 (1-2):169-76. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/vikekke/article/view/12752.
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