Országgyűlési képviselő és bankvezér Paupera Derenc pályája az 1920-as évtizedben

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Bagdi Róbert


Ferenc Paupera (1876–1943) was not only a prominent figure in the financial world of Hungary in the 1910s and 1920s, but also in the public life in general, as he was a Member of Parliament between the two World Wars and was also the husband of actress Gizi Bajor for three years. His real financial career took off in 1906, with the number of positions he held in provincial banks and savings banks increasing every year. The breakthrough, however, came with the establishment of the Land Loan and Real Estate Bank of Hungarian Financial Institutions Ltd. in Budapest in 1911, where he was elected a Chief Exec-utive Officer. 1922 brought another turning point, as several people left the Land Loan Bank and Ferenc Paupera became the president of the bank, which was transformed with the emergence of new share-holders. From 1922, Ferenc Paupera also became an independent MP member of the Pápa constituency, and in 1925 he joined the governing party. In 1929, the Land Credit Bank became insolvent, which had a decisive impact on the life of Ferenc Paupera, who lost all his public, political and financial functions, and was involved in a labour dispute that lasted for years.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Bagdi, Róbert. 2024. „Országgyűlési képviselő és bankvezér: Paupera Derenc pályája Az 1920-As évtizedben”. Köztes-Európa 14 (1):20-33. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/vikekke/article/view/45874.
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