Trianon másként A békediktátum következményei Szolnokra

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Szűcs Lajos


Trianon, on the fourth of June in 1920 the Hungarian Kingdom has lost it for his area and his population two third, and the Hungarian nationalities 33%-a strange rule got under it. From the political and eco-nomic effects of the diktat of Trianon, and the dictated peace from himself libraryful literature stands for a provision, I do not deviate because of this these his detailing. I was curious about it in the course of my study, how affected it and the decision of Trianon influenced the life of Szolnok. They were his considerable consequences after all indirectly although drawing the new frontiers did not affect the city himself and the county directly. I go into detail about politics practised for Trianon Szolnok and economic one being effective. Is presen-ted the two Speyer-loan too, that granted the opportunity to the city in order to be allowed to make development investments after the First World War. In the 1920’s years his loan repayment imposed a serious burden on the city on the other hand in the second party of years.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Szűcs, Lajos. 2024. „Trianon másként: A békediktátum következményei Szolnokra”. Köztes-Európa 16 (1):19-30.
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