Examination of mother-child bonding among adopted children and own children

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Rita Gáspár


The mother-child relationship quality is determinating regarding the child development. In the adoptive parents may emerge the question if they will be able to love the child as he/she was their own. Adoption can last for years which can cause constant anxiety by reason of suspense.
After the successful adoption positive attitude is needed from both the child and parent to evolve a secure bonding.
In my research I tried to answer the following question: Is there a difference between adopted and own children positive and negative behavior according to parents evaluation.
In this cross-sectional quantitative research a questionnaire was used among adoptive and blood parents. Parents rated their children along 7 positive and 7 negative behavior. Data processing involved 100 persons data.
Along the 14 behavior comparison was made between the adoptive and blood parents evaluation.
There was not remarkable between group differences. In both groups positive behaviors’ were notably frequent in parents evaluations.
There was not large-scale differences detected between adopted and own children behaviour according to parental evaluations. It can be assessed that in the study population children positive behaviors were more frequent than negative behaviors.

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How to Cite
Gáspár, Rita. 2019. “Examination of Mother-Child Bonding Among Adopted Children and Own Children”. Acta Sana 12 (2. suppl.):13-19. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/actasana/article/view/32027.


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