A kulturális különbségeken túl nemi reprezentációk és nemi identitás fenyegetettség kapcsolata a roma és nem-roma társadalomban Magyarországon

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Dorottya Géczy
Zsófia Varga


How we think about men and women is deeply rooted in social and ideological context. The different roles and identities of our content are social processes, and are the result of consensus formed by the members of society through communication. The broader ideological context in society influences not only the contents of gender, but their potential dynamics as well.

We have investigated the construct of gender and its relation to different identity states threat between Roma and non-Roma people. We also examined how both gender’s representation and identity threat are related to socio-economic positions (education, residence, income, employment), moreover, what kind of constructions can threat the gender identity.

We conducted a comparative study with 288 participants. We used associative network for the representation of gender, and measured identity threat and distancing with MTP-Questionnaire.

We obtained differences on gender representations among the minority and the majority members. Roma participants have a more conservative gender representation, and non-Roma have a more diverse gender representation. The differences between these groups are also rooted in educational setting and socio-economical status (where Roma people suffer disadvantages), and gender identity threat is beyond culture. We realized that people generally feel threatened by social expectations and/or social representation about their own gender.

So we can compile that the stereotypical gender perspective is affected by many demographic factors, such as education, type of residences, work, and earnings. But the threat of gender identity, as well as other identity threats, reflects a socially constructed identity to content and value.

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How to Cite
Géczy, Dorottya, and Zsófia Varga. 2020. “A kulturális különbségeken Túl: Nemi reprezentációk és Nemi identitás fenyegetettség Kapcsolata a Roma és Nem-Roma társadalomban Magyarországon”. Acta Sana 13 (1):3-13. https://doi.org/10.14232/actasana.2020.1.3-13.


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